Asset-Based Loans: The Risks

Asset-Based Loans: The Risks

When the cash flow in a company declines, the progress and productivity of the business operations can also decline. With low cash flow meeting all the costs necessary to keep the business running can prove a challenge. In such a situation, finding ways to finance...
Should Your Business Use Equity Financing?

Should Your Business Use Equity Financing?

Sources of Equity Financing Venture Capitalists With venture capitalists, you get investment partners that help meet your business goals and make profits in the process. They help you understand investment choices you can make and avoid risks in return. You also...
How To Increase Business With Video Marketing

How To Increase Business With Video Marketing

Your company needs a video marketing strategy in today’s digital world. An effective plan stays on top of current trends and helps you remain competitive in your industry. Better Conversion Rates Including a video in your email communications boosts your...
Financing Growth Through Mergers

Financing Growth Through Mergers

There are many ways that business growth can happen. Two of the most common paths are through mergers and acquisitions. Whether you are a small business or a large company, merging with another business/company or acquiring a business and melding it into your current...
Reasons to Buy a Franchise 

Reasons to Buy a Franchise 

Franchising, now a widely embraced business model, got its start in 1851 and it grew gradually until the 1950’s when it virtually exploded across America’s landscape. Benefitted by the then-new and growing interstate highway system. Today, there are more...